Adam Thornton

Structural Engineer (emeritus)

BE(Hons), DistFEngNZ, CPEng, MACENZ, IntPE(NZ)

With more than 40 years of structural engineering experience, Adam is widely respected in the building sector for his innovative, in-depth construction knowledge and his industry leadership.

Adam retired as a Director as of 2017 but remains actively involved in the office, assuming the mantle of Structural Engineer (emeritus) in recognition of his founding role within DTC and his distinguished service.

Adam is a Distinguished Fellow of IPENZ, past President of the Association of Consulting Engineers of New Zealand,a former board member of FIDIC and continues to be very involved in the leadership and professional development of engineers. As well as leading a significant number of current projects he provides strategic consultancy to MBIE, Wellington City Council, ACENZ, IPENZ, FIDIC and NZSEE.

Adam is the recipient of the IPENZ Angus Award, the IPENZ Turner Award for Professional Comittment and the ACENZ Presidents award.

Adam  Thornton

Alistair Cattanach


BE(Hons), FEngNZ, CPEng, IntPE(NZ)

Alistair is passionate about architecture and believes in the multi-discipline approach to design. Alistair’s knowledge of the non-structural disciplines allows these opportunities to be explored.

Alistair has over 20 years structural engineering experience in NZ and the UK. He has an unrivalled reputation for innovation, and particular skills in strategic planning, complex analysis, base isolation and other non-linear 3D modelling. He has had notable roles in timber design, seismic assessment, heritage buildings, modular, and Environmentally Sustainable Design.

Alistair  Cattanach

Annabelle Bruynel

Structural Engineer

Annabelle Bruynel

Anthony Gardner

Senior Draughting Technician

Anthony Gardner

Baldeep Brar

Draughting Technician

Baldeep Brar

Chris Speed



Chris has 20 years structural engineering experience.

He has worked on projects requiring high levels of structural and architectural integration, including large commercial projects in NZ and Australia.

Chris is the winner of the Wellington 2016 Young Achiever of the Year Award from the Property Council of New Zealand

Chris Speed

Di Quirk

Office Finance Manager

Di Quirk

Fahimeh Ladani

Structural Engineer


Fahimeh Ladani

Flora Tupufia

Draughting Technician

Flora Tupufia

Gareth Alley

Senior Structural Engineer

BE(Hons), CMEngNZ, CPEng

Gareth has over 20 years structural engineering experience working on a broad range of projects throughout New Zealand.  He has a proven track record of delivering projects with high levels of structural-architectural and heritage sensitive integration.

He has a demonstrated ability to produce solutions for an extensive variety of structures, and has particular experience with significant seismic assessment and retrofit of existing structures.

Gareth Alley

Hamish Strange

Structural Engineer

Hamish Strange

Hannah Smith

Senior Structural Engineer

MEng, CEng, MIStructE

Hannah Smith

Jaimie Whitehead


BE(Hons), CMEngNZ

Jaimie has 9 years of structural design experience at Dunning Thornton Consultants. She is involved in all aspects of the design and construction process, and enjoys working closely with clients, architects, and the construction team to deliver high-quality projects across New Zealand.

Her experience spans across projects of many scales, from houses and small commercial projects up to complex architectural multi-storey apartments and large civic buildings. She is also technically capable, with expertise in assessments of existing buildings, complex analysis and innovative structural design.

Sustainable engineering is key motivation for Jaimie, with a strong focus on mass timber design, lowering embodied carbon and the adaptive re-use of existing buildings.

Jaimie Whitehead

John Cuthbert

Senior Associate

BE(Hons), CMEngNZ

John has 25 years structural engineering experience, having completed numerous successful projects in New Zealand and the UK.

He has a demonstrated ability to produce solutions for an extensive variety of structures, and has particular experience with large mixed-use, multi-residential developments and the seismic assessment and retrofit of existing structures.

John Cuthbert

Julie Nicholson

Senior Draughting Technician

Julie Nicholson

Lisa Parahi


Lisa Parahi

Loreta Salazar

Senior Structural Engineer


Loreta Salazar

Maija Kosinanonth

Structural Engineer

Maija Kosinanonth

Martin Williams

Senior Draughting Technician

Martin Williams

Maurice Beckers

Senior Draughting Technician

Maurice Beckers

Nicki Vance


BE(Hons), CPEng

Nicki has over 10 years of engineering experience in both New Zealand and the UK. She has experience in engineering within the constraints of existing buildings, as well as both computer modelling and construction monitoring. She has dealt with all stages of construction from masterplanning of schemes through to construction completion and assessment of existing buildings. She has a particular interest in heritage buildings. 

She has a diverse skill set and has strong communication skills; confidently and clearly dealing with clients, contractors, engineers and the wider public.

She is confident designing in wide range of materials, and is currently interested in large scale timber structures and lower carbon design to promote sustainability.

Nicki  Vance

Rowan Ballagh


BA, BE(Hons), CPEng

Rowan Ballagh is an Associate with nearly 10 years of experience in New Zealand.  He has worked on many complex and innovative projects throughout New Zealand, including a wide range of new structures, and retrofit of existing buildings.

He has experience working with a range of materials and seismic resilient technologies.  A burgeoning interest in mass timber construction, particularly as it relates to both environment sustainability and seismic performance. 

He has a practical and team-first approach to site work and enjoys the wide range of different people that work in the construction industry.

Rowan Ballagh

Rubie Inch

Structural Engineer

Rubie Inch

Ryan Clarke


BE(Hons), CMEngNZ, CPEng

Ryan has 20 years structural engineering experience in New Zealand and abroad.  He has expertise in seismic design and retrofit as well as water-tight concrete construction, prefabrication and relocation of structures.

Ryan excels in working with large project teams and has successfully designed and managed delivery of a number of large and complex new builds with innovative technology and in extreme environments.

Ryan Clarke

Sean Hu

Structural Engineer

Sean Hu

Daniel Endersby

Graduate Structural Engineer

Daniel Endersby

Joe Tompkins

Structural Engineer

Joe  Tompkins