Adam Thornton
Structural Engineer (emeritus)
BE(Hons), DistFEngNZ, CPEng, MACENZ, IntPE(NZ)
With more than 40 years of structural engineering experience, Adam is widely respected in the building sector for his innovative, in-depth construction knowledge and his industry leadership.
Adam retired as a Director as of 2017 but remains actively involved in the office, assuming the mantle of Structural Engineer (emeritus) in recognition of his founding role within DTC and his distinguished service.
Adam is a Distinguished Fellow of IPENZ, past President of the Association of Consulting Engineers of New Zealand,a former board member of FIDIC and continues to be very involved in the leadership and professional development of engineers. As well as leading a significant number of current projects he provides strategic consultancy to MBIE, Wellington City Council, ACENZ, IPENZ, FIDIC and NZSEE.
Adam is the recipient of the IPENZ Angus Award, the IPENZ Turner Award for Professional Comittment and the ACENZ Presidents award.